Saturday, December 4, 2010

Days #202-214:break

i'm thankful for a break.

for a month. yay!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Days #194-201: Thanksgiving

There is so much to be thankful for in this beautiful life i'm living in. this past week was surrounded by family, friends, peace, comfort, and pure joy. I am constantly overwhelmed by the never-ending love that i receive from my parents. i become so much more thankful every single day.

i got a chance to catch up with some of my best friends over thanksgiving, too. i've been blessed with so many great relationships in my life. and i'm so thankful for it and will never take for granted the time we spend together.

this thanksgiving was a time of reflection for me, and i thought i would feel renewed, but i didn't. but i'm thankful that i am challenged by the Lord daily and that He teaches me new and exciting things each and every day. i'm thankful.

"Let us come to Him with thanksgiving, let us sing psalms of praise to Him. For the Lord is a great God..." Psalm 95:1

Monday, November 22, 2010

Days #188-193: Give Thanks!

if that doesn't get you excited for thanksgiving, then there's something wrong!

turkey. stuffing. mashed potatoes. pecan pie. family. friends. warmth. comfort. joy. peace. conversation. that's what i'm looking forward to this week at home.

here are some things i've been really thankful for these past couple of days.

early bedtimes
i've been finding that the earlier i go to bed, the better i feel. imagine that! but i'm thankful that life has slowed down just a bit so that i can sleep a little longer. i'm thankful to be able to pick my bedtime. thankful that i can choose the way i fall reading, watching tv, listening to music, or praying. i will confess...when i pray right before i fall asleep, i usually end up falling asleep while praying. whoops!

morning quiet
because i've been going to bed earlier, some mornings i wake up earlier. i've found so much peace in taking my time in the morning. it's important for me to have my "me" time. i'm thankful that my schedule allows for me to have that precious time. thankful that i can spend time with God before i get my day started. thankful for the quietness in the apartment.

clean clothes
i confess...i was one of those kids who didn't do their own laundry until senior year of high school. my wonderful mother did it for me all those years. mom told me that i had to do my laundry before i leave for home, as our laundry room is being retiled and painted...all to sell the house! so, as i was doing my fouuuuuuurrrrr loads of laundry yesterday, i stopped and thought about how great it is that i can just throw in my clothes and go on with my day. i'm thankful that i have laundry machines right in my apartment. i'm thankful that i have clean clothes.

when i'm at school, i attend the methodist church here in milledgeville. it's really great. the people are friendly, the minister has great sermons, and it reminds me of afumc. i'm thankful that i've found a church i really enjoy. thankful that i don't go by myself (thanks laura!). thankful that i am spiritually fed. thankful to sing beautiful hymns. thankful for a little taste of home.

what are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day #187:Reminder

i'm thankful for my huge pill box that sits on my bathroom counter. I have such a hard time remembering to take ALL my pills EVERY day. It's so much medication that i'm benefitting from, but so much to remember! so i'm thankful for that big, blue reminder that greets me in the morning, afternoon, and night.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Days #176-186: simplify

A lot of change is going on in my house right now. This past weekend while i was home, i was put to work "de-cluttering" my belongings. you see, we're moving. and i couldn't be more excited! but that means we have to get our house "de-junkified".

i cleaned out a couple different areas of my space this weekend and felt renewed by it. my life was just a little more simple because i got rid of things that i don't need. my life is often surrounded by what i want, not what i need. i was made aware of how easily i've taken advantage of everything that my parents have provided me. i'm lucky to even have a place to come home to, food to eat, and to be welcomed by parents who love me.

i'm thankful that i simplified my life just a little bit more this weekend. i'm thankful for the many blessings in my life. i'm thankful that i have the best parents who would do anything for me. i'm thankful that i can live the life that i have been given.

did i mention how thankful i am that these girls are in my life? and how AWESOME it was to see them this weekend at Sus' surprise party!!

new goal for the next couple of months...SIMPLIFY. i'm thankful this weekend showed me that.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Days #167-175: Good meals with good friends

as a part of being in college, i love that i can eat with different friends every night. last night, melissa, laura, elizabeth, and i had the BEST meal i've had in awhile. spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, and salad. talk about yummy. i'm thankful that i can share good meals with good friends. i'm so thankful that i have such great roommates as great friends. i'm so thankful to have great friends in my life. feeling very thankful for everyone in my life.

happy november!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Days #161-166: Parents

I am so thankful to have the kind of relationship with my parents that I have. I can go to them with anything, cry on their shoulder, act silly in front of them, tell them my hopes and dreams, vent to them, hang out with them....and the list could go on forever. i am forever thankful for the way they raised me.

my mom is the most incredible woman i know. i'm thankful that the Lord molded her into such a strong, warm-hearted, caring, loving person. my mom is selfless. she thinks of others before herself. just this past weekend, she spent two hours at urgent care with me to make sure i didn't have strep. turns out i'm being treated for it, but she helped me at my worst, as she always has. i can't tell you how many times i've leaned and relied on my mom when i was sick. i'm so thankful for the relationship we have.

my dad is the most incredible man i know. i can ask him anything and i can almost guarantee that he'll know the answer, or know where to find it. my dad is not only an incredible father, but like my mom, he is selfless, and giving to others. we've always shared a love of music, and i'm so thankful we have that connection with each other. i think we could talk about music for days!

my parents have been there for me in the best and worst times in my life. i was dependent on them when i was diagnosed with uc. i relied on them for weeks on end to get back to being healthy. i'm thankful for the sacrifices they've made for me my whole life. i'm thankful that they were at all my colorguard performances, all my swim meets, all my games, all my EVERYthing. i hope that anyone reading this will not take that for granted because it means so much to have that support from the people who raised me.

i can't help but to get emotional when i think about how thankful i am for my parents. it reminds me of the verse in Philippians..."i thank my God every time i think of you" (Phil. 1:3)

i'm so very thankful for my mom and dad.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Days #152-160: Clean

i don't know about anyone else, but cleaning gives me a sense of renewal. and that is exactly what happened in my apartment this week. laura and i spent at least three hours scrubbing floors, counter tops, dishes, toilets, etc. on saturday. and even though it doesn't sound like fun, we had the best time. and there was nothing more satisfying the sitting in the clean place that we had just scrubbed down ourselves. i'm thankful that i don't have to live in dirt and grime. i'm thankful that cleaning gives my whole soul a sense of renewal. i'm thankful that it's an outlet for me when i get frustrated with something.

i've felt extremely thankful lately...i'm not sure what has provoked it, but i'm not complaining at all...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Days #140-151: Intolerance

over the past couple of months, i've tried so hard to find alternatives to dairy products. and let me tell's hard finding what you like. you think that something will taste good...but when you try it, it's completely nasty. and if i want to drink regular milk, or anything else dairy, you'll find me taking a pill.

well i've finally found milk that i really really like. i never thought i'd say it, but i LOVE soy milk. it's really really good! i suggest you try it even if you aren't lactose intolerant!

but i'm thankful that there are alternatives. i'm thankful i can drink milk without my stomach getting upset. thankful that i can still feel somewhat normal.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Days #136-139

Day #136:

i'm so thankful for my alarm clock. Every morning I wake up with the soothing sound of music seeping through my speakers. it's absolutely wonderful. my iHome makes waking up a lot easier by not blaring a loud beeping noise at me...i'm not that kind of person. i'm thankful that i can set multiple alarms because we all know i sleep through the first five...
definitely thankful for my alarm clock.

Day #137:

i'm so thankful for my sweatshirts. i consider it a privelege to be able to bundle up when other people are probably freezing somewhere and don't have access to anything like we do. i'm thankful i have the option of wearing a jacket or sweatshirt. thankful that i have clothing.

Day #138:

i'm thankful for the ability to microwave things. a microwave does so many easy things, yet gets our food so far. i'm thankful i can heat up hot chocolate when i feel like it. i'm thankful i can pop a lean cuisine in to eat for a meal. thankful for the effectiveness of a microwave.

Day #139:

i'm thankful for lotion. the time of year is coming....bring on the eczema. i've had it all my life...probably will never go away, but i'm thankful that lotion nourishes my skin. thankful that it quenches my skin's thirst. thankful for johnson & johnson lotion. it's the best.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Days #126-135: Patience

i'm thankful for patience. Not only my own (not saying i have much, because I don't), but other people's patience. i feel like the past couple of weeks my patience has been tested in various situations, and i'm thankful i've gotten through them without exploding.

on a more random of my bffs has a fabulous quote on her facebook that has really spoken to me lately. I'm taking it and running with it.

"People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

i just read in a magazine (of course i can't remember which one) to really try to focus in on the conversations you have with people, as it can relieve stress. i'm making the above quote and this stress-reducer my new goals. i'm thankful to have advice like this!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Days 111-125: Who is Biz?

I remember the first time I heard my brother refer to Elizabeth as "Biz". I think I had to ask him..."who?". But now, I call her almost nothing else. Next may, i'll have a sister-in-law. Whoopee!! Finally, the sister I never had. I'm so thankful that Biz will be the "sister i never had".

Stephen has always thought it was unfair that I made such good friends with his girlfriends. In my mind, that's a good thing. But, the first time Biz and I met was in her dorm room at GCSU. She kept me company all weekend while I visited Stephen and I knew I was going to like her. Three(ish) years later, look where they are now...planning a wedding.

I'm so thankful that Biz and Stephen met. i'm thankful that she's so easy to talk to. i'm thankful that it's so easy to have so much fun together. i'm thankful stephen let's us be so close. i'm thankful to finally have a sister! i'm thankful to have a good friend become a part of my family.

i can't imagine anyone else fitting Stephen better and i'm so glad that she'll soon officially be a part of the family!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Days #103-110: Give me some space.

Life has gotten the best of me lately. I have been so bogged down with everything non-blog related. But i am so thankful to be in my room. i'm thankful to have my own space. i'm thankful that i have a place to call my own. i'm thankful to have quiet time truly to myself.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Days #97-102

Day #102: Bus Drivers

Ever since I've started taking the shuttle to class, I've grown extremely thankful for the drivers. Most of them are really friendly and are there to safely transport people. i'm thankful for that.

Day #101: Innocence of Animals.

Everyone has something that comforts them. I think for my dog, Ringo it's shoes, specifically my mom's. I found Ringo sitting in his house this weekend and look what was with him.

He does it all out of love. and i'm thankful for his innocence.

ay #100: Time in the car.

Saturday, my whole family ventured down to Peachtree City. Nowadays it's rare that all four of us are in a car together. Someone usually has to drive separately for some reason. But, all four of us where together on Saturday. I love my family's different personalities. I love seeing them interact. I'm thankful for the time I spent with my family in the car this weekend.

Day #99: Movies that make you cry.

I'm sure almost everyone has cried during a movie. I won't say that The Last Song was the best movie I've ever seen (far from that), but it sure did give me a good cry. Sometimes I think we all just need a good cry. A movie is a good way to trigger that! I'm thankful there are movies that cause tears. I'm thankful there are movies that make you put your life into perspective.

Day #98: Showers

I got the opportunity to run with my sweet music therapy friend Sarah. It was absolutely wonderful, and we had great conversation! Only down part was that it felt like it was 100 degrees 7:30 at night. We were just a little sweaty when we finished (that's a joke).

When I got back, I jumped in the shower and rinsed off all the nastiness. I HATE sitting in sweat. I do not like it AT ALL. But i'm thankful for showers. Thankful that I can cleanse my body after I run.

Day #97:Luna Bars

Luna Bars have been a big part in my life lately. They are so tasty and provide a lot of nutrition. If I eat one for breakfast, it fills me up till lunch! They're absolutely great. Whoever invented meal bars, thank you!

I'm thankful that when I'm in class, I don't have to worry about feeling hungry. I'm thankful that I can focus on the lecture/lesson and not on how hungry I am.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Days #89-96: Structure

ok here is my attempt at consistency. class has started and now i'm back in a routine! let the daily blogging commence!!! (hopefully)

Since class has started (yesterday), I am so thankful for having structure in my life again. I love looking at my calendar and writing in it. I am thankful for structure.

i'm also extremely thankful for my wonderful roomies!! i have had so much fun so far, and it's only been 4 days!! woohoo!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Days #80-88:Healthy

i keep telling myself i'll be consistent. can you tell i'm a procrastinator?

well today i'm extremely thankful for how my body has been feeling lately. this week marks a year since i went through a horrible time in my life. i was so sick, in bed, not eating, and unhealthy. i'm so happy i can say i'm feeling good. it's also been roughly a year since i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. i couldn't help to be happy when i heard my gi tell me today at my check-up that he was proud of me. proud of me for taking care of my body and handling situations the way they needed to be handled.

i'm thankful i've been brought through the pain to feel healthy.

here's hoping to a flare-free school year...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Days#58-79: Water

i've been absent for so long now, but i've been having so much fun this summer, so that's okay. as i sit here typing this, i'm sweaty and hot from running this morning. i have tried so hard to be consistent and run every day, but it hasn't worked. today- i'm making a goal to run at least every other day, if not every day. Wills park is such a fun place to run for me. i like it because i feel free and because i can breathe in fresh air.

today, my motivation to finish my run was water. i was so thirsty when i got finish that i almost gulped my whole water bottle down in about a minute. but, i'm thankful for water. thankful for the clean, purified water. thankful that clean water is convenient. but also inside me, i worry for the people who don't have clean water. and because of how fortunate i am to have clean water, i'm so thankful for it.

i'm proud of myself for mostly only drinking water. no caffeine, no carbonation. it makes my stomach feel a lot better.

hopefully i'll be more consistent with this silly blog.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Days #42-57: Summer

Wow. it's been forever since i've last posted. i honestly have just had so much fun doing other things than blogging this summer. recently though, i've begun my training for a half-marathon. the actual date of a half-marathon is tba, but i'm working up the mileage. but my "training" temporarily stopped because i was too busy having fun at DISNEY WORLD. mom and i went for the week. let me just say- animal kingdom lodge is the bomb. every morning on our way to the bus we were surrounded by zebras, giraffes and lots of other animals. if you're thinking of a trip there soon, i highly recommend the lodge. totally worth it.

i've also been to the lake a couple of times. soooooo relaxing.

right now, i'm totally thankful for summer. thankful for the time that i've been able to spend with my family. thankful for the time that i've been able to focus on staying healthy. thankful that i can relax before the craziness of life starts up again.

i'm really going to try to get better at blogging. really.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Days #31-41: Rest.

i haven't blogged in forever. i feel kind of like a failure, but i've been having so much fun this summer. i haven't been doing much...went to the lake last week, blue ridge this week, and lake next week again! woohoo!!

as much as i feel like a cheater for not having 11 things to blog about, i'm still only going to blog about one. i'm very thankful for rest. this summer, i have been able to rest my mind, heart, soul, and body and it's so nice. i'm thankful for the freedom my parents have given me to let me rest. i'm thankful that i have a place to rest. thankful for rest.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day #30: Rubber Ducky, you're the one.

i cannot believe i've been blogging for a month already. time is flying!! not sure i ever want this summer to end.

most days i sing while in the shower and today i found myself singing the duck song about bath time. i wasn't actually taking a bath, but the catchy little song just got stuck in my head! don't worry, the tune eventually stopped reoccurring in my head. BUT i did get soap in my eye today, and that did not feel very good. at all. it stung reallllllly badly.

oddly enough as i was thinking about what God was going to reveal to me today, i was stopped mid-shower by how thankful i am for SOAP. i'm thankful to be able to keep myself clean and free of hygiene issues. thankful that i feel renewed. thankful that i am able to shower daily.

that's all for this wonderful day!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day #29: Donations.

stephen has moved all of his stuff back home. looking at all of his "stuff" made me want to get rid of some of my stuff. i think this is at least the second time i've purged my room already...clearly once wasn't enough. i don't think twice was either. in any case, i'm thankful that my "stuff" can be someone else's who really needs it. we all get caught up in buying, collecting, and obsessing over clothes, purses, shoes, video games, movies, etc. why do we need all this "stuff"? i've yet to figure out why i can't get rid of all of my non-essentials and feel okay about it. something's wrong with that. but until i figure that out, i'm thankful that the things i don't need/want anymore can go to help someone else.

Day #28: Bookworm.

saturday, day 28

i feel like i've been a bookworm lately. i've woken up almost every morning this past week, gone downstairs, made coffee, and sat outside reading for what seems like hours. i'm thankful that we have books to let our minds explore. honestly, i'm thankful that it gets me away from the tv. i'm thankful that books allow me to dream a little bit more than i already do.

i just started reading "eat pray love" and so far...i like it. :)

Day #27: Refreshed.

The lake!!!!!

i used to dread going to the lake in middle/early high school. i don't know why i ever dreaded it, because it's one of my favorite places to be now. friday, tara and i ventured up to the house and had a really lazy weekend. i don't remember the last time i slept a full straight hours, and this weekend i changed that! but, we had lots of fun swimming (just a little bit- the water was cold!) and riding on the boat.

it took a lot of convincing myself that i wasn't gonna be a chicken, and finally jumped in the lake holding tara's hand and bringing her into the semi-cold water with me. although it was cold, i felt refreshed. i'm thankful that i can feel refreshed. thankful that i had a best friend holding my hand and jumping in with me. thankful for lake keowee.

and as i sit here typing this, i'm listening to "Our God" and can't help but to daydream back to Passion 2010 and what it was like to be part of movement for OUR GOD that was enormous. even better- it's happening again next year. 2011. be there. i already have my ticket. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day #26: A bed to sleep in.

as i sit here typing, i keep looking at my bed and i can hear it calling my name!! it looks so cozy, but i was determined to get caught up in the blog world. but i'm simply thankful tonight that i have a bed to sleep in. that i have sheets to keep me warm. that i have a pillow to rest my head on. i'm just plain thankful tonight. there honestly aren't any other words. short, sweet, and to the point.

it's peaceful to sit in the quiet and reflect on life and everything in it. and tonight's one of those nights where i truly feel like i'm getting something out of this blog. picking out the ordinary in our every day lives and recognizing it. exactly my thought when i started this silly thing. thankful.

Day #25: Pizza cutters.

wednesday, day 25: pizza.

kelly and i ventured yesterday and made our own pizza....dough and all! just kidding- the pizza crust was pre-made by our friend the pillsbury dough boy. however, we did spread tomato sauce, cheese, and tomatoes onto the dough. but when we took it out of the oven, it was so easy to quickly cut it with the pizza cutter. it made life so much easier instead of ripping up the pizza trying to cut it. a lot of times it's the little things. and i'm thankful for that.

Day #24: Coffee mugs.

tuesday, day 24: coffee mugs.

it may seem silly, but i'm so thankful for pretty coffee mugs. i have a few of them that i always use. without a doubt, one of them is always available for use. it makes drinking the warm drink that much better in the morning. i have a favorite one that's pink and green and has lots of flowers on it. it makes me happy just thinking about it! and i'm thankful for that.

Day #23: Snail Mail.

monday, day 23: snail mail.

have i mentioned that i love snail mail? because i do. there is something so thrilling about opening a letter addressed to me. knowing that someone wanted to give/send something to me. i mentioned in another post my sweet friend christin. she's at camp for almost the whooooooooole summer, so i sent her some love via snail mail.

i'm thankful not everything is electronic now. i'm thankful for the thrill of opening mail. i'm thankful for hand-written letters of love/encouragement/whatever else they contain.

side note- ringo is so much better. almost off all his meds and walking again. praises for the sweet dog!!

Day #22: Sunday Brunch.

sunday, day 22: brunch.

on sunday, our family went out to eat for brunch. mom and dad got back from italy the night before, i had been in baltimore all week, stephen started his job, and elizabeth hadn't seen my parents since the engagement. it was fun to swap stories (mostly hear about mom and dad's fun time in italy-JEALOUS). but, i was thankful to be sharing a sunday morning meal with the people i love the most.

no one can ever replace your family. i like to believe that i have the best one out there. no argument. i'm thankful that i can share everything with the two people who have raised me and the best sibling in the world, and his soon-to-be wife who is just fantastic. and i'm so thankful for that.

Day #21: SAO

saturday, day 21: nicole's wedding!!!

my sweet big got married on saturday!! the wedding was beautiful and i cried so much more than i even thought i would (in a good way)! everything came together perfectly and we all had so much fun celebrating nicole's big day. it was so great that our family (three of us-me, evin, and samanthat) from SAO got to stand by nicole as she married the love of her life. our little family is so great!! the whole time i was there, i kept thinking of how thankful i was that i was able to find this group of girls that i adore. thankful that nicole is such a wonderful big. thankful that evin is such a great grandbig. thankful that samantha is such a great twin. they are the most trustworthy, true, compassionate, real girls i've ever met. and i'm thankful for that.

Day #20: Driving.

I feel like i've been on the go for so long now!! it's finally nice to be in one place for more than a couple of days. i've been so bad about blogging, but i'm gonna try to get back on track. i haven't forgotten, but i'm trying this new thing where i stay off of the computer as much as i's the one thing i go to when i get bored, fidgety, or just want something to do. but, no worries- i have been keeping track of what i'm thankful for.

friday, day 20: driving.
like i said, i've had so much time in the car lately. on friday i drove to mcdonough to be with nicole and be a bridesmaid in her wedding...more of that later!! but, on my drive down i was able to sit and worship the Lord through music. i sang some of my favorite songs at the top of my lungs the whole way there. i probably got some funny looks, but that's ok!

so today i'm thankful for the time in the car by myself. i love spending time with the Lord and think about how glorious He is. i'm thankful that in the time in the car, i can think clearly and for myself. i often times worry about what other people will think of me. on friday, i think i finally got it. no more worrying about what others will think of me if i do, say, think, something that we may not see eye to eye on. i feel free. at peace. relaxed. and i'm thankful for that.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day #13-19: The Nash Family.

I've been super busy for the past week around town and currently in Baltimore! since Sunday i've been spending time with my "other" family. The Nashes have got to be some of the best people in the entire world. So, call me lazy but for #13-19, i'm thankful for the Nash family.

currently sitting in the airport, i'm thankful for airport security. yes, it may seem silly to have to walk barefoot through the line, take out laptops, take off jewlery, etc. but i'm so thankful for the precautions that have been taken to ensure safety while flying.

anyway, this past week has been a relief from my life, and i'm thankful for that. i feel like i have been on the go since january, and now i can finally breathe. enough about me, i'm thankful for the nashes.

lynne is one of the most inspiring women to me, and i'm thankful for that. i'm thankful that she stepped into our bible study to teach along with susan. she's that other female figure besides my mom who i adore dearly.

steve is just awesome. laid back. chill. awesome. and i'm thankful for that.

olivia is sweet as can be. definitely owns up to her "miss priss" title, but what 9 year old wouldn't? olivia is an awesome dancer and i love being girly and talking about girly stuff with her. and i'm thankful for that.

sam is a pistol. he may seem hard as rock on the outside, but he is a teddy bear on the inside. he is compassionate and sincere. and i'm thankful for that.

james henry is fun. not theat the other kids aren't fun, but he is 4 year-old fun. he loves to give hugs, and i'm thankful for that.

i'm beyond thankful for the Nash family. one of the best families that i have ever been around. there is never a dull moment in their house and i love it! thank you nash family for letting me see you for the week. my plane is about to board...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day #12: Scenery.

on my ride home from school yesterday, i drove in wonder of the Lord's creation. passing by farms, i sat in awe that the Lord created all of this scenery around me.

i'm thankful that the Lord created such beautiful farm land. i'm thankful that i can sit in wonder and process the Lord's creation. the earth. i'm thankful that there is a sense of calming that comes over me as i look at the simplicity of the green fields and beautiful animals. i'm thankful for the privelege to drive home and see the beautiful sights.

i've already posted about my sweet dogs Ringo and Bandit, but i have a couple of pictures of Ringo that i wanted to share with you all. Ringo is unhealthy. He's hurting and in pain. I've been told that he is on the road to recovery, but we're just not 100% sure what's in store for him yet. I'm hoping and praying that he'll start to feel better in the next couple of weeks and that he won't leave us just quite yet. With everything that has gone on, it has really made me stop and think about how thankful i am that i have had such great memories with my dogs. hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Day #11: Fuel.

I'm already behind and it's only been 11 days. oh's my "thankfulness" for wednesday.

ever stopped and thought at a gas station about how vital gas is to our lives? it's not good for our environment, but plays an important role in our daily lives. i'm thankful for gas today. that sounds silly, but it's true!!

i'm thankful that it fuels my car so that i can get places. i'm thankful it fuels airplanes so that i can go to see the people i love. i'm thankful that if fuels boats, ships, trucks, and other vehicles so that people can make a living. i'm thankful that such a simple thing plays an important role in my life.

ansley had to get gas while we were out last night...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day #10: Be Still.

I am thankful today for my quiet time with the Lord. it calms me. i can think clearly. i can thank God for all the wonderful blessings in my life. in my quiet time i reflect. i learn from my day's events. i dive into the word and ask myself how i can be a better person because of what i just read.

i am thankful that in the busyness of the day, i can stop myself. i can go to the Lord in prayer. i am thankful that today is a day full of quiet time. i'm thankful that i can be still and quiet, and know that He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the beginning and the end.

one of my sweet dogs, Ringo is sick. he is hurting. he is in pain. i'm praying today that the Lord would take ringo's pain away, however that may be. i hate to see him hurting and in pain.

i'm thankful that i can be still, and quiet and in the presence of the Lord.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day #9: Snail Mail.

I'm thankful that real mail still exists. Everything on the internet is so easy. It's convenience. It's a time-saver. don't get me wrong, i love having the convenience, the entertainment, and whatever else the internet provides, but i loooooove some good ol' snail mail.

i sent my sweet friend, christin some of that today. she's at camp for the summer and i didn't get to see her before she left. so- i updated her on my life, in the hopes that she'll update me on hers.

i'm thankful i can send encouragement- it seems so much more heartfelt. i'm thankful for the excitement that it brings. i'm thankful that real mail still exists.

that's all for this monday...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day #8: Breathe in, breathe out.

No pictures for my post today...what i'm thankful for today is fresh air. for all four of you that read this, stop and take a breath and think about how wonderful and grateful you are to have fresh air. yes, our air is polluted, however other places in the world don't have clean air. they are living lives everyday full of toxins and such.

yes, i am too, but for the most part, i lived a blessed life by breathing clean, fresh air every day. i'm thankful i'm not poisoning myself every time i breathe. i'm thankful i can walk out the door and have clean air. i'm thankful i can breathe.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day #7: Four Eyes.

i'm thankful that i can be called four eyes. there are millions of people in the world without access to an eye doctor. i'm thankful that i am fortunate enough to have the means to be able to see an eye doctor.

for any of you that are reading (which i'm not sure exists at this point), i don't know about you but i don't really like wearing my glasses. i feel like i'm restricted from seeing everything or doing things...good thing i have contacts.

but the bottom line is, i'm thankful that i don't live every day in pain because of the lack of proper eye care. i'm thankful can go to the eye doctor every year to make sure my eyes are still healthy. i'm thankful that i have the option of wearing contacts. i'm thankful i can be called four eyes.

Day #6: CHOA

Today i'm so very thankful for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. After spending half a day there yesterday, i am in awe of the hospitality that they provide their patients (me being one of them). don't worry- i'm ok.

i'm thankful that i have a gi who cares so much about my health and well-being. i'm thankful for the care that the nurses provided me. i'm thankful that there are anesthesiologists who make jokes with me while drifting me to sleep. i'm thankful that i woke up with a heated blanket on me. i'm thankful for such great care at choa.

all in all, i don't want to outgrow children's. why can't i be a kid forever?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day #5: Open ears.

i don't know about you, but i love how i can talk to my dogs like they're listening to me. i like to vent to them, tell them about my day, and just converse with them. today, i'm thankful to have such fine furry-legged friends.

ringo and bandit are, to say the least, a handful. i remember back to that day when i begged my parents (specifically my dad) "pleaaaaase dad. i'll take care of him. pick up his poop, and walk him." have i done anywhere near my amount of duties? no way. and even though my parents take all the responsibility in caring for them, i love coming home from college and seeing them. i'm thankful my parents let stephen and i pretend that we would fulfill our duties in taking care of them while trying to convince them to adopt them. you see, they came from some petco adoption sale.

ringo came didn't want two, and ringo walked right into dad's lap, so we left that day with ringo in tow (leaving bandit behind). for probably a good six months, i kept an eye on bandit on a website that he was listed on called i think it was around christmas and he was still available so i finally convinced my parents that it would be great for ringo to have a buddy.

i'm thankful my parents finally caved in. i'm thankful i can talk to my dogs and they at least look like they're listening. i'm thankful for the responsibility they have taught me. and i'm thankful they're still around when i come home from school.

ringo and bandit :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day #4: All laced up.

today i'm thankful for my running shoes. although i'm not always running in them, my asics provide my feet with comfort. i don't know where i heard it, but i've heard that people my age (mostly girls) will have bad foot problems later in life because of the flip-flops we wear. i don't know about you, but i love my flip-flops. it doesn't matter how cold it is outside, i love wearing them. but, my running shoes provide much better support and make me feel athletic. (silly, i know).

there's something about putting tennis shoes on that automatically makes me want to be active. i'm so much more productive when they're on. again- silly, i know.

but- i'm thankful that i can wear shoes every day. i'm thankful for the productiveness i get when i wear my asics. i'm thankful that i don't get foot diseases from walking around barefoot. i'm thankful that my feet are supported while i try to make myself healthier.

Praying for those in the world without shoes, and thanking God that i am fortunate enough to wear them.

i. love. my. asics.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day #3: Trustworthy girls.

Today i'm thankful for my bible study family. little did i know that in seventh grade, i would be getting to know the girls that know me the best. they know my heart and i know theirs. i'm thankful that i gave bible study a try.

to be honest, i was intimidated at first. i didn't know what to expect or if the girls in the group would accept me. you see, middle school was HORRIFIC. and when i mean horrific, i mean horrific. i'm not trying to throw a sympathy party for myself, but it was a common occurrence for me to come home and cry about school. the girls i hung out with were just plain ugly to me and went behind my back and caused all sorts of that middle school drama. but when i stepped in to mikey stephens' office that first wednesday night i began to have faith that maybe middle school wouldn't be so bad with these girls. i'm thankful that my mom challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone and to have fun at church!

it started off with susan and nicole as the "ring leaders". we studied different books, had lessons on gossip, forgiveness, beauty, etc. Courtney, Christin, Heather, and i are the sole survivors of the bible study through the middle school years...along with sus, of course. i like to think of us as the core, the heartbeat of the bible study.

along the way we had some friends join us...kelsey, laura, hilary, tara, becca, and kelsey...and how can we forget lynne? with the group stronger than ever, we continued through high school. through high school, wednesday night's were my favorite night of the week. i got to spend an hour with all these godly young women who would encourage me, not talk about me, and most importantly-like me for who i was. sometimes hours and hours were spent fellowshipping with one another and sharing our thoughts of the world and everything else in it. though we didn't necessarily stay on point every week, i always took something out of that precious hour we spent together. one of my favorite studies that we did was read "Dateable". if you've never read it, start now. you won't regret it. if you need a copy, let me know because i have two!

i'm thankful that i had such a strong support system through my middle and high school years. i'm thankful i have tremendous role models like lynne and susan to look up to. i'm thankful that i've been able to create friendships with these girls that will last forever. i'm thankful that these girls know my heart and can tell when something's going wrong.

we're all different places now. kelsey and courtney at UGA, christin at Auburn, me at GCSU, heather at ABAC, laura at Furman, and most recently- tara's going to Auburn, hilary's going to Berry, becca's going to Valdosta State, and kelsey is going all the way to Vancouver Film School. AND how could we forget that sus got married to a wonderful man and has some cute kids, and lynne embarked on a new journey to Baltimore with her kids and husband, Steve. but- no matter the distance that these girls are from me, i know that they're all just a phone call away.

whoever's reading this (if there is's ok if there's not...blogging is a nice way to think!) i encourage you to get involved somewhere. anywhere. you never know what it'll be like til you try it. find a group of people that will encourage you in your walk, help you with life's dramas, let you cry on their shoulder, and share God's love with you.

i will always be thankful that i walked in to the office to find the girls that i would be friends with forever.

love these girls so much!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day #2: A place to rest my head.

Today i'm thankful for pillows. let's set the record straight. these things that i'm thankful for over the next year are things that i'm always thankful for, i've just decided to recognize them. back to pillows...

I'm thankful that i have a pillow to rest my head on every night. could you imagine what it'd be like if you slept without a pillow? all i know is that my neck would ache every morning and i would have trouble sleeping through the night.

a lot of times i find myself complaining about the fluffiness-or lack thereof, of my pillows. but- no matter how much i complain, i should be thankful that i have a place to rest my head on every night. according to my research (yes i tried to research the inventors of pillows), pillows date back to the time of the egyptians and they were found in some of the tombs. so- to the long-lost inventor of pillows, thank you. i'm thankful that i don't wake up with a neck ache every morning. i'm thankful that i have been given the opportunity to buy a tempurpedic pillow that makes sleeping that much better. i'm thankful that i'm fortunate enough to own a pillow. just. plain. thankful.

(these just happened to be owned by my FUTURE SISTER-IN-LAW because i'm residing at her place for the month)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day #1: Sibling Love

I've decided to join the blogging world, documenting the next year of my life...mostly in pictures, but maybe some words here and there. We'll see how this goes...

I'm finding my self in awe of how the Creator of the universe has blessed me with such a charmed life. I'm trying my best every day to be thankful for the little things that I so often take for granted. So here I go, trying my best to document one thing per day that i'm thankful for.

Today, I'm thankful for my brother, Stephen. My best friend, the one person that will always be there for me no matter what. I'm thankful for the relationship that we have developed over time. Sure, we have our arguments, tiffs, and moments with each other, but all in all we have a relationship-and one that a lot of people don't have with their siblings. I will forever be thankful that my mom taught us to love one another, to share our stories, and to be each other's friend.

and to top things off- Stephen got engaged LAST NIGHT!!!!