Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Post in which I'm vulnerable...

I wrote this last week when I was feeling particularly upset over my recent change in symptoms...I am feeling super vulnerable by putting this out there for people to see, but I hope at least one person can gain some encouragement from it...

The reality of my life is that I live with this disease/chronic illness every single day. Whether or not I choose to accept it? Well that is a different story. Sometimes I am in denial that I was ever diagnosed with this embarrassing “bathroom” disease. No one wants to talk about something that is centered around a toilet… it’s not exactly table conversation.
             Three and a half years ago? I was mad at God. I was so mad that at such a pivotal moment in my life, I would be knocked down… physically weak and emotionally exhausted from my “new life”. Also add in the fact that I was about to try my hand at living on my own, in a new town, and begin my college education, all while living with something that was so foreign to me.
            To say that I am not the same person today, that I was four years ago, is an understatement (in my opinion- and I like to think I know myself pretty well). Who would’ve thought that almost four years later, I would have learned to embrace this “bathroom disease”? With the support from my family, friends, and even strangers, I have learned that IT IS OKAY to have bad days (my bad days consist of pajamas, saltines, Gatorade, and the bathroom), IT IS OKAY to be mad at this awful disease that has taken over my colon, IT IS OKAY to have fears. And while I know that it’s okay to have bad days and fears, there is something else that I know.
             I know that I have a Creator who loves me despite the imperfections of my physical body. I know that I will have an eternal life with the One who made me and I’ll be in a place where there is no pain, frustration, or fear. I know that I believe in a God that provides comfort, rest, healing, and reassurance, all on His own time.
            I’m not sure what prompted me to write this, but I hope that today you can rest in the fact that the One who made you, loves you. Regardless of any physical challenges- Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, or any other chronic illness, He loves us despite our imperfections, and that is something we can always be sure of.  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life lately...

i am loving my new mug. can you say mooooooo?

my mom and i made some wreaths with a little help from pinterest, inspired by Here.

i've gotten to spend large amounts of time with this lady. love her. 

 i got to spend time with my favorite goldendoodle before going to miranda lambert. 

  i voted! so important, and so glad i got it done early. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Where Have I Been?

Where do i even start? How about the fact that I'm a senior in college now, applying to all these internships, and getting super scared for the big, big world. EEEEEEEK!

i've been thinking about blogging again for probably three months now and i haven't gotten up the courage to start again. BUT, this is it. today is the day i'll start and keep on with it!

time is flying by and i want to be able to journal everything as it happens. so as soon as i get my pictures uploaded on my computer, it'll be back to full-force blogging! i'm really determined to keep it going this time.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend Recap

This is a little more than just Memorial Day weekend, but here is what's been going on...

Cristina (my sweet cousin) graduated from high school! So proud of her. Look at all those cords!!

After her Baccalaureate Mass, the whole family celebrated at Mellow Mushroom. I don't think I've ever had a bad meal there! 

I caught the pinterest bug, and am in the middle of restoring this old window. The first step- painting the frame- is done! Next step will be adding chalkboard and maybe some corkboard or scrapbooking paper...not so sure about that part yet. 

I made some coffee filter peonies! They turned at to look pretty good...

And for the weekend, aside from honoring all the men and women who fought/fight for this country to be free, my family headed to the lake. Accompanied with Biz's family, too! 
Here are Mrs. Brenda and Biz on the new versa board. Would you believe me if I told you we had four people on this thing at one point? We did! And it didn't sink!! My dad has some pictures that I can hopefully steal. :)

And today, I had a routine GI appointment with the best doctor that I have ever had. But, I had to say goodbye to Remicade. :( It was causing my liver to do weird things, and in order to stop long-term damage, I am trying a new medication. Let's pray that this one works out!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Life lately...

It's been about a year and a half since I last blogged...and I miss it! It's no secret that I love reading blogs- I think you could ask anyone. So, I thought it would be good to start again since it's been awhile!

Life has been wonderful! I just finished up my junior year in college...time is flying! I cannot believe that I am a college senior. So crazy. I am really enjoying the path to my future career as a music therapist.

Here are some pictures from life lately!

Ringo enjoying a sunshine-filled day

Lots of celebrating the end of school and my hardest semester...

A Celebratory Summer dress!

 A Celebratory Meal with friends/future music therapists!

Celebratory sparkles!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Days# 237-245:Blessings

My life is overfilling with constant blessings. I praise the Lord for His wonderful blessings and stand in awe of everything I have been blessed with. We don't deserve all of the rich blessings that we have. But we have a Father who's mercies and grace are new every day!! i'm so thankful for all of the blessings in my life.

For the two (maybe not even?) of you that read this, i have been caught up in other things to really sit down and blog. BUT i'm working on it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Days #233-236: Structure

I think i do really well when I have structure in my life. When there is some type of daily schedule of things i have to do and places i have to be. I've really enjoyed getting back into the swing of things with school.

Now that it's the weekend, I have time to enjoy myself and to relax a little bit before the real craziness starts. However, I'm crossing my fingers that i'm productive this weekend since I have nowhere to be AND we don't have class on monday.