Monday, January 24, 2011

Days# 237-245:Blessings

My life is overfilling with constant blessings. I praise the Lord for His wonderful blessings and stand in awe of everything I have been blessed with. We don't deserve all of the rich blessings that we have. But we have a Father who's mercies and grace are new every day!! i'm so thankful for all of the blessings in my life.

For the two (maybe not even?) of you that read this, i have been caught up in other things to really sit down and blog. BUT i'm working on it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Days #233-236: Structure

I think i do really well when I have structure in my life. When there is some type of daily schedule of things i have to do and places i have to be. I've really enjoyed getting back into the swing of things with school.

Now that it's the weekend, I have time to enjoy myself and to relax a little bit before the real craziness starts. However, I'm crossing my fingers that i'm productive this weekend since I have nowhere to be AND we don't have class on monday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Days 215-232: New

It's been forever since I've posted, but I've taken the time away from my blogging to enjoy my family and to just be home. But, now that school is back in the picture, I hope to blog more....we'll see.

but i'm thankful for a new year. to me, it's refreshing.