Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Days #161-166: Parents

I am so thankful to have the kind of relationship with my parents that I have. I can go to them with anything, cry on their shoulder, act silly in front of them, tell them my hopes and dreams, vent to them, hang out with them....and the list could go on forever. i am forever thankful for the way they raised me.

my mom is the most incredible woman i know. i'm thankful that the Lord molded her into such a strong, warm-hearted, caring, loving person. my mom is selfless. she thinks of others before herself. just this past weekend, she spent two hours at urgent care with me to make sure i didn't have strep. turns out i'm being treated for it, but she helped me at my worst, as she always has. i can't tell you how many times i've leaned and relied on my mom when i was sick. i'm so thankful for the relationship we have.

my dad is the most incredible man i know. i can ask him anything and i can almost guarantee that he'll know the answer, or know where to find it. my dad is not only an incredible father, but like my mom, he is selfless, and giving to others. we've always shared a love of music, and i'm so thankful we have that connection with each other. i think we could talk about music for days!

my parents have been there for me in the best and worst times in my life. i was dependent on them when i was diagnosed with uc. i relied on them for weeks on end to get back to being healthy. i'm thankful for the sacrifices they've made for me my whole life. i'm thankful that they were at all my colorguard performances, all my swim meets, all my games, all my EVERYthing. i hope that anyone reading this will not take that for granted because it means so much to have that support from the people who raised me.

i can't help but to get emotional when i think about how thankful i am for my parents. it reminds me of the verse in Philippians..."i thank my God every time i think of you" (Phil. 1:3)

i'm so very thankful for my mom and dad.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Days #152-160: Clean

i don't know about anyone else, but cleaning gives me a sense of renewal. and that is exactly what happened in my apartment this week. laura and i spent at least three hours scrubbing floors, counter tops, dishes, toilets, etc. on saturday. and even though it doesn't sound like fun, we had the best time. and there was nothing more satisfying the sitting in the clean place that we had just scrubbed down ourselves. i'm thankful that i don't have to live in dirt and grime. i'm thankful that cleaning gives my whole soul a sense of renewal. i'm thankful that it's an outlet for me when i get frustrated with something.

i've felt extremely thankful lately...i'm not sure what has provoked it, but i'm not complaining at all...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Days #140-151: Intolerance

over the past couple of months, i've tried so hard to find alternatives to dairy products. and let me tell you...it's hard finding what you like. you think that something will taste good...but when you try it, it's completely nasty. and if i want to drink regular milk, or anything else dairy, you'll find me taking a pill.

well i've finally found milk that i really really like. i never thought i'd say it, but i LOVE soy milk. it's really really good! i suggest you try it even if you aren't lactose intolerant!

but i'm thankful that there are alternatives. i'm thankful i can drink milk without my stomach getting upset. thankful that i can still feel somewhat normal.